Lessons from the SpareRoom office dog 

Since working from home I’ve become so much more aware of the comings and goings of the rest of my household. 

But this isn’t another blog about how wonderful it is to spend more time with the children (truth be told, that is a very mixed blessing). What struck me was the dog we’ve had for a year and a half who I’ve spent most of our time together training to sit, to heel, to leave it, to stay, to drop, in fact had a lesson or two to teach me.

1. Every day is a new day

No body I have ever known greets the day with the enthusiasm, happiness and sheer optimistic expectation that Buddy does. Senses alive, tail wagging so hard it circles like a helicopter rotor, tongue hanging out, he wakes up ready for adventure And breakfast.

2. Everything, I mean everything is interesting

There’s no filter bubble, Buddy is an avaricious sniffer out of everything and anything he passes. Shopping bags are his favourite, but animal, vegetable, mineral there is not distinction or bias. 

3. Never dwell on your mistakes

When his is good, he is very good. And when he is bad, well let’s just say a playful puppy chew from a dog of Buddy’s size has demolished countless shoes, toys, cushions, and even a power washer. He is full of regret. For about 2 minutes. Then he is back for another adventure. He has made failing fast an art form.

If you have the courage to meet the office dog, drop us a line and we can have a dog walk and talk.


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Why courage is the first step.