
Finding the right marketing balance is now more crucial than ever. 

Australia has always been the lucky country, but now as we reel from the quadruple effects of drought, bushfires, COVID-19 and recession, every business finds itself looking for a pivot; a way to reactivate or reset. Businesses need to find new ways to be relevant to customers and find a competitive advantage in ‘the new normal’.

We work with you to assess your business against the 8Ps of marketing; identify what issues and opportunities need addressing and recommend how best to do so swiftly. At the right time, we’ll put the best team of highly qualified experts in place to help you adapt to a rapidly changing marketplace.

The SpareRoom 8P’s of Marketing


1. Product

How relevant are your products or services to people’s lives?

2. Price

Does your pricing model have longevity and flexibility for a recession?

3. Place

What distribution options work best for customers to experience your product?

4. People

How well equipped are your people to deliver on the business strategy?

5. Promote

How can we add to or evolve your communications to get the right message, in front of the right people at the right time?

6. Physical

How well do your key touchpoints with customers instil confidence in your business’ ability and dependability?

7. Processes

Where is risk and opportunity in your business processes to help or hinder reaching your business goals?

8. Partners

Who shares your values and ambition and can help you reach your business goals faster?

At SpareRoom we partner with clients to grow courageous brands through the full marketing mix and have a wide array of talent in our collective to help you adapt your business to stay on the front foot and ready for growth.


Our 5 ingredients for making courageous marketing


1. Project Management.

Keeping a tight run project is critical to its successful delivery. Whilst project management is with you every step of the way, we believe quality and clarity of a full statement of work at the outset ensures you get the best value for your investment and keeps everyone on the right track.

2. Strategy, Planning & Research.

We often think of this as the ‘How to win’ phase. We always start with your ‘Why’ and then deliver our strategy focused on Impact. Identifying where your brand’s strength can be applied to an opportunity will unlock the growth that your business seeks.

3. Creative Development.

Creative thinking finds hidden patterns, makes connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena to generate new ideas and, importantly, turns them into solutions. Our collective is a hive of creative minds, alive and awake to the world, ready to create courageous solutions to any need your business has.  

4. Creative Production.

In our experience an idea poorly executed will fail to deliver the impact it was planned for. That’s why we put a production manager into the creative development process. And why we carefully select the right creative talents to bring our ideas to life in a way that inspires the action you want to elicit from people.

5. Campaign Measurement.

We focus on one key Impact Metric for your project which we agree at the outset and use to guide decision making through creative development and production. Underneath our Impact Metric we identify and evaluate a series of Key Performance Indicators that can help us course correct whilst the project is underway.

Ready to find the right balance?