About us

This is what gets us up every morning, you could say it’s our ‘wake up call.’


Embracing Change.

In the swirl of the tornado that has kick started the 2020’s, we looked long and hard at our industry and ourselves and decided we should and could be better. Not just more efficient. There has to be a more self-sustaining way of life that ensures everyone gets a fair go and a fair wage.

SpareRoom is the new agency model created for a more circular economy. Where we find projects to employ our colleagues in the gig economy and set aside a portion of our profits to invest back into the small business community.

So the more work we do for you, the more businesses and not-for-profits we can help give a leg up to.


Building Back Better.

We believe together we can build back better, stronger and kinder.

We can be the change our industry needs because we value self-worth more than net-worth, acts of generosity and kindness over pledges and a tick-box mentality, excellence in service as much as excellence in our work. We create courageous brands so that businesses are fit for the future.

Think of us as your virtual strategic marketing concierge with a conscience; the place to come for insight-led, inspiring, effective solutions with added kindness.

Intrigued? Visit our Brand Fitness Centre where we’ll set up an assessment of your business’ health and deliver you a personalised programme to get your brand future fit.