Insight & Impact

The bookends of strategy; Insight inspires our direction while Impact measures our success.

Insight is the product of analysis and understanding of your business’s challenges and opportunities in light of consumer behaviour, the environment you operate in and the trends driving your category. 

Impact is what we seek to achieve with every action. Depending on your goals, this could impact on your brand value, on your market share, on your community, on your carbon footprint, on your staff, on your ROI to name but a few. Impact is what every project with SpareRoom is focussed on. At SpareRoom we work in partnership with you to clearly identify the change you want to see and what we can measure to keep us all honest about our performance.

Insight & Impact Modules

We’ve created three modules to step up the insights you have to inform your business growth strategy. They help provide strong foundations to build a courageous brand with confidence. 

Module 1.

Understanding your business in its competitive context and where courage can give you the edge

Module 2.

Understanding your audience, where growth can be found and how to attract and engage with them

Module 3.

 Identify the Impact you want to have and what we measure to evaluate performance

Find out how Insight & Impact can improve your business.