
Growing Courageous Brands

We believe medium sized businesses are the best undiscovered courageous brands in Australia. 

Through the most challenging of times you have courageously built a great business up, it has been a roller coaster yet you have created something that people value and buy. It is time for the next growth phase yet with so much uncertainty it is difficult to know how to make that step with confidence. There are three elements that make a courageous brand Future Fit.  

The 3P’s of Future Fit Brands; Positioning > Purpose > Personality


Firstly having a brand positioning for your future, not your past. Being clear on who you are, where you want to succeed, who your competitors are and what makes you different is critical in building a brand position that is ownable and attractive to your customer base now and in the long term. 

At SpareRoom we help you distil everything that matters most about your company and the products you make to find your ‘Why’ so that you can build a brand that can defend its share from the competitors, stretch into new product areas and grow into new markets with authenticity and a strong competitive advantage.


Secondly, Purpose is the single most important facet of a brand to deliver on for consumers - after all ¾ of buyers world over are belief-driven.

But it is in danger of becoming overused and, worryingly, in some organisations just a box to tick. Yet to have credence it needs to be more than a promise, and if it is not born from your 'why' it has no relevance to any of your stakeholders. Failing to act with purpose risks your brand being ignored and replaced by competitors who stand for more.

At SpareRoom we can help your brand find where your 'why' connects with a 'purpose' that resonates with your target audience to ensure your brand means more than a product experience and is connected into culture to have wider relevance in people’s lives.


Thirdly, your Brand Personality needs to be defined to ensure wherever people come across you, they can recognise and remember you. It’s about having a consistent tone in how you speak, whether that is at an event, on your website, in social media or in media interviews. But tone isn’t just how you say something, it’s also the words you choose, photographic style, colour choices, formats you use and places you pop up in.

At SpareRoom we can create anything from a quick do’s and don’ts list for social media management to Brand Guidelines that cover everything from advertising to your email sign off. Ensuring every connection with your brand builds on the last so your brand sticks in people’s minds and is easily recognised wherever you are.


What you’ll receive when we do your branding.

Module 1. Brand Positioning

We’ll help you find and articulate your ‘why’ and provide a framework that clearly captures how your brand is distinctive and the areas of focus for growing your business and your communications.

Module 2. Brand Purpose

We’ll work with you to define where purpose fits in your business strategy, your employees’ lives and your customers’ beliefs. And then how to go about acting on it with credibility and confidence.

Module 3. Brand Personality

We’ll create a personality that is uniquely you and give you the tools you need to consistently apply it across all the touchpoints in which you need your brand to be heard and remembered.

Feeling courageous?

Take the next step and get your brand Future Fit.